Workshop Machine Learning and Python
Date de création: 12 Dec 2019


The SETIT Research Unit at Sfax University -Tunisia-, is pleased to announce the organization of an International Training Workshop entitled:

Basics of Machine Learning & Python

Through this training you will discover how to build Machine Learning (ML) models and accelerated computing applications. Training sessions will be comprised of brief overviews ML foundations and hands-on programming sessions with SciKit-Learn and Tensorflow python libraries that will expose you to the bleeding edge of learning and artificial intelligence. You will explore several applications.

The training is provided by a certified as a Huawei Instructor in Artificial Intelligence: Dr. Bassem Ben Hamed (ENET'Com, Sfax University).

Join us for a friendly and flexible training environment created to give
you further collaboration opportunities.

All you need for this training is your laptop and enthusiasm.

All participants are encouraged to present a poster and obtain feedback from their peers and colleagues in the field. Awards will be given to the best 3 posters. A free spirit discussion and collaboration session is also planned to enhance the collaboration opportunities between the workshop
participants and organizers.

A certificate of successful participation in the event will be delivered